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Donate Food

The Lake Country Food Bank is grateful for any and all non-perishable donations, and while some foods are better than others, the best donations are ones that reflect a nutritious dinner plate.

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Some of the items the Food Bank needs the most:

Whole grain foods like oatmeal, barley, high-fibre cereals or whole-grain pasta contain plenty of fibre and are an excellent source of minerals like magnesium and iron.

Baby cereals and jarred baby foods make good donations since roughly one third of Canadian food bank recipients are children.

Lean proteins from foods like canned tuna and chicken; plant proteins like peanut butter, beans, and lentils; or more complete proteins contained in other canned meats help in the maintenance of body tissue and contribute to a feeling of satiety. Nut butters are a favourite because they’re a versatile ingredient in snacks and meals.

Canned fruit is high in vitamin C and dietary fibre. Preferably free of added salt and sugars, studies suggest that frozen and canned vegetables are a good alternative to fresh produce.

Milk and dairy alternatives like shelf stable milk, powdered milk, almond milk, and rice milk from the grocery store shelf contain vitamin D, vitamin A, and, most importantly, calcium.


Please don't leave food outside the Food Bank.

We will gladly accept food donations at our facility during the following hours: 

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Food that is dropped off outside of these hours cannot be accepted and ends up being thrown out. This creates more work for our volunteers and doesn't provide any benefit for the people who depend on the Food Bank.

Lake Country Community Fridge
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If you can't drop off food donations during operating hours, we strongly encourage you to donate food at the Lake Country Community Fridge project. 


The Community Fridge is to help those facing nutritional insecurity by providing easy, 24/7 access to free, fresh and nutritious food. The idea is "Take what you need, leave what you can." Those that are in need of nutritious food can help themselves, and members of the community are welcome to contribute what they’re able.”


The Community Fridge is located at 3751 Woodsdale Road in Lake Country at the Winfield United Church on the west-facing side of the building.

For more information visit:

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Lake Country Food Assistance Society

A Registered Canadian Charity # 11900 2467 RR 0001


Telephone: 250-766-0125

Text to: 778-581-6717
Address: 9830C Bottom Wood Lake Rd. Lake Country, B.C. V4V 1S7
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 41013 RPOS Lake Country, B.C. V4V 1Z7

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